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What do Birds think of Human

One day I was sitting alone in my house, 
The bird was making a nest in lighting. 

She came in a moment and went in a moment. 
She used to fill small straws in beaks. 

She was making her own house a unique one,
There was no straw, no bricks. 

After a few days... 
The weather has changed, 
winds have started coming,
Two little children started chirping in the nest. 

Birds were raising them,
Both of them were getting wings 
She used to stand on her feet. 

I used to watch them every day 
My feelings got some of them, 
both kids on feathers 
Flew alone leaving mother. 

I asked the bird... 
Why did your children leave you alone, 
You were their mother 
Then why did they break the relationship... 

The bird said ... 
This is the difference between a bird and a human child 

Child of a human being... 
Gives his right as soon as he is born, 
On not getting those parents 
Court also leads to court. 

I gave birth to babies 
But no one remembers me, 
Why will my children stay with me 
because I have no property

Build your assests

This post is of Sueey T on a Facebook group.
I liked the post and couldn't stop myself from sharing it here.

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